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Local MKE Athletes Participating In The GLASA Great Lakes Games

With Coach Amie Day
Posted 5:12 PM, Apr 25, 2023

The Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association will be hosting the 2023 GLASA Great Lakes Games. Amie Day, GLASA Wheelchair track coach, is an accomplished Paralympian from Wisconsin who joins us today to share her expertise on inspiring and coaching the next generation of athletes with a disability. Amie gives her amazing story about GLASA and how she got involved with them. GLASA has been thrilled to serve 1,000 athletes through 20+ adaptive and paralympic sports from the beginner to elite level, including a dedicated injured military program through their programs for the last 24 years here in the Midwest.

The Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association will be hosting the 2023 GLASA Great Lakes Games in partnership with The Hartford on May 14 in Milwaukee for a Paralympic and adaptive sports competition as part of a larger sport competition taking place throughout the weekend in the Midwest. Every year, in partnership with The Hartford, GLASA has the opportunity to give away custom-fit adaptive sports equipment to a handful of their athletes! This year the surprise equipment donation will be awarded to a few athletes who participate in Track & Field as well as Tennis. There will also be one athlete who is awarded the Human Achievement Award and granted $2500 to help them continue their athletic pursuits.
For more information, visit GLASA.